Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Textual analysis of print adverts

Textual analysis of print adverts

In this advert, I like how the advert uses vibrant colouring to make it interesting and intriguing to look at. I like how there is a contiuing them throughout all of the adverts, and this is an aspect that i will use in my advert, as the layout is interesting, and I want my advert to be as intriguing and interesting as this one. Especially because my food dellivery service will be targeted at the youth group, I want to use the bright colouring to intrigue them, and use the uniqueness of the advert as a selling point.

In this advert, i like the sophistication of the advert, and how it makes the food look appetising to the buyer. I won't be trying to sell the food like a gormet food delivery service, just as a quirky food delivery service that will appeal to the target age group.

I prefer the second logo in how the colours are more muted and natural. The green colouring would be good to associate with the healthy types of food, however I will be targeting the youth group, therefore have little interest in healthy food for a food delivery service. In my advert, i think i wil use the elelemnts of the defining ofd the elements in the lgoo so that it appears very bold and so that it is clear to the audience what they are looking at.

In these logos, my interest is in the colours used in the second advert. I want to use bright vibrant colours in my logo to make it stand out as much as possible. The current youth group has an interest in the colours of the rainbow, not only as part of the pride movement, but also because of a new movement of favouratism of wearing unique and funky clothing. If i could some of these colours in my logo, it would be a good selling point for the brand, therefore i will incorporate this into my logo.

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