Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Advertising research

Advertising research

Strategies for advertising products

  • Endorsement
  • Individual incentive - BOGOF
  • Bold headings - catchy/memorable
  • Alliteration - "Bob's Big Breakfast"
  • Font - Serif and Sans Serif (modern)
  • Celebrity endorsement - Gemma Collins
  • Intertextual links - THE ONLY WAY IS ESSEX
  • Bright and bold colours
  • Student discounts
  • Social media
  • Hashtags
  • Images
  • Humour
  • Exaggerated stereotypes
  • Quotes or phrases - Vernacular (everyday language) e.g. "Peng", "reem", "innit", "y'know what i mean"
  • Logo
  • Saturated colours
Methods for advertising appeal that i am inspired by:

Pain solution

All elements I will use when making my advert:
Font :Berlin Sans FB Demi with a line going within the text, as i want to make it look modern and almost futuristic, and the targeted audience is 16-25 year olds. This is the font that will be used in the logo, and will be used for the slogan.
See the source image
The sans serif font i will use for the coverline is Haettenschweiler font, as it is formal and will be in the blue colouring. I will use this font as it is formal but also futuristic, as well as the colouring being blue as it is almost disco colouring and party colouring.

One half dull colouring = before the food   One half bright and vibrant =after the food

Slogan "We're innit to winnit in the war on hunger!"

 Rhetoric questions

Want it to be set out life a before the food delivery vs  after the food delivery
See the source image

Use of hashtag = #hangry
See the source imageSee the source image I want to base it on before our food is delivered and the emotional issues around not being able to cook, or having no food etc, vs having food.


Concept 1:
University student with no food in his fridge and starving so orders food and is happy
Use rhetoric questions such as "Hank marving? Too busy to food shop? Feeling #hangry? Food's on us!"

Half 1:                                                       Half 2:
Dull colouring, boring, uninteresting       Bright, bold, exciting and relateable to when you have food food                                     
See the source image                               See the source image

Concept 2:
Lonely student sitting on the grass while people are sitting chatting behind him. He wants to join in and they all have one thing in common...they are all hungry. He orders the food and becomes popular.
Use rhetoric questions such as "Lonely? Feeling #hangry? We've got it sorted!"

Half 1:                                                           Half 2:
 Dull, sad and cold feeling                             warm, bright, vibrant and friendly, happy                        
See the source image                     See the source image

Concept 3:
Group party with 18+ people. Party is very boring, people falling asleep, etc. The food gets delivered and it is very lively!
Use rhetoric questions such as "Friday night blues? Feeling #hangry? Well the party don't start till we walk in!"

Half 1:                                                             Half 2:
Dull, dark lighting, harsh almost                 Bright lighting, fun atmosphere, vibrancy, happy people

See the source image                 See the source image

Concept 4:
Young people trying to cook, the pan is on fire and the kitchen is chaos. They opt for getting food delivered instead.
Use rhetoric question such as "Bad at cooking? Feeling #hangry? Can't stand the heat? Get out of the Kitchen....the food's on us!"

Half 1:                                                             Half 2:
Bright flames, almost like the                         Happy person getting their food delivered
flames of hell. Doom and gloom.

See the source image                      See the source image

Location for Concept 1:
Location for Concept 2:
Local park

Location for Concept 3:
Living room

Location for Concept 4:
Kitchen and front door
Props for Concept 1:
Pizza box
Burger box

Props for Concept 2:
Study books
Pizza boxes
Burger box

Props for Concept 3:
Beer bottles
Wine bottles
Pizza boxes
Burger boxes
Props for Concept 4:
Frying pan
Burger boxes
Pizza boxes

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