Friday, February 1, 2019

Requirements of the brief

Requirements of the brief
You work for an in-house print production company within an advertising agency. You have been given the task of producing a campaign of four full-page magazine adverts to promote a new takeaway food delivery service.
Summary of brief requirements:
Statement of Intent (approx.
350 words
Magazine adverts: The client has insisted that each advert must have a different main image, with at least two different settings and at least two different models used across the four adverts.
Location of adverts: The adverts are to be placed in regional magazines and the content should reflect the location.
Client target audience: 16–25, mass market, male and female demographic in a defined geographical region.
This new takeaway food delivery service – YourFood – wants to be defined by its regional and youthful brand identity.
All four adverts must contribute to a strong and consistent brand identity, using the same slogan/tagline.
The adverts should use techniques – such as intertextuality, generic hybridity, humour or emotional appeal – that engage the target audience and make the adverts memorable.
Your finished realisations of the four adverts must be presented as A4 prints, with
the image scaled down as necessary to preserve the correct magazine page ratio.

Your magazine adverts must adhere to the rules of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA):

Product Details
The production must include (as a minimum):
At least four different main images. All images must be original across the four adverts to fit the brand identity and the conventions of magazine adverts.
Editing of adverts (including photos, text, graphics, typography and layout) to fit the brand identity and the conventions of magazine adverts.
At least two different settings (this may be the same location with a significantly different use of mise-en-scène and/or lighting or two different locations).
At least two characters representing at least two different social groups across the four adverts.
Written text including product name and a slogan/tagline that expresses the brand identity.
Appropriate consideration of where the adverts will be displayed.
Adherence to the rules of the ASA. 

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