Final adverts
Advert 1:
In this advert, I wanted it to be connotative of the before and after elements of the food delivery. This was a popular element among people in the target market following the feedback I received. To make this clear to the audience, I decided to show the before shot in a black and white to make it look old fashioned, boring and almost depressing to the audience, as the characters look sad and gloomy, and it is something we can all relate to when we feel hungry. This is also shown in the slogan "Lonely? Feeling #hangry? We've got it sorted!" This links to the photo, as we see the two teens obsessed by technology, a link to the activities of teens, and how it can make teens seem anti-social. The use of the hashtag proved to be a popular aspect of the advert, as in the audience survey results, I saw 100% of the people who completed the survey liking this element of the advert. I decided to use the green for the hashtag, as it is an intertextual link to the hulk, whom turns green when angry, and all people can relate to becoming frustrated and groggy when hungry. I decided to use electric blue for the slogan, as it was a colour that was highlighted to be popular among the target market, as seen in the consumer feedback. In the top photo, we can see the teens being anti-social by being on their phones, despite another person to their side is of the same age and gender. I specifically done this to show in the second shot the teens putting their phones down, and engaging in conversation with each other, while also feeding that hunger. We can see the second shot in bold colouring, bright and vibrant to counter the first shot, as well as to express the feeling of finally feeding the hunger. We can see the teens looking happy while engaging in conversation, and is almost a moral to teens to put the devices down, because you may find you have something in common with another person of the same age. The food links to this in how we all feel hungry, and for these two characters, it was something that sparked their conversation. I decided for the models to be wearing the typical teenage attire of a check flannel rather than a low cut dress, the stereotypical attire of an Essex teen, and to trade it for the typical attire of all teens. It makes the teens look more relatable and normal, and doesn't mock the Essex teens, as if I had decided to do so, my audience may have been offended and decided to turn against the brand. This links to my statement of intent in how I wanted to use humour, but not in a way that will insult the target audience, and I have been successful in achieving this, as i have captured the target market well in this advert. I decided to use the electric blue again in the after shot, as it does look bold and again, it was a popular colour among the target market. The logo is clearly displayed on the after shot to show the audience who delivered the food, therefore making it clear to the audience. The tag line of the brand is "We're innit to winnit in the war on hunger!" which is a direct link to the phrases of the Essex youth, as they use phrases such as "innit", "babes", "shut uppp", and other phrases. I decided to stick with the "innit" phrase as it is most commonly used among the target market. I decided to do a play on words with the tag line in how i made "innit" and "winnit" look like they are in the same format.
Overall, I used the humour, social and youth appeal as I stated I wanted, I used the typical phrases of the Essex youth as well in the tagline for every advert. I did use the blue colours as I stated I wanted to see in the Statement of Intent, but did not use any yellow or orange in this advert, as i didn't think it would fit in with the themes and colours of this advert. There is a 1/4 inch bleed on this photo as I stated that i wanted.
Overall, I used the humour, social and youth appeal as I stated I wanted, I used the typical phrases of the Essex youth as well in the tagline for every advert. I did use the blue colours as I stated I wanted to see in the Statement of Intent, but did not use any yellow or orange in this advert, as i didn't think it would fit in with the themes and colours of this advert. There is a 1/4 inch bleed on this photo as I stated that i wanted.
Advert 2:
In this advert, I decided to give it some relatable links to the average teenager, in how they are associated with not being able to cook. In the before shot, I wanted to use humour as the selling point, as stated previously, in how teens are associated with being terrible cooks. It gives this advert a good selling point, as all teenagers are able to associate to this. I decided to stick with the black and white colouring of the shoot, but to alter it to make the fire look bright and bold in order to make it eye catching. It may not look realistic, but it makes the advert look original and eye catching. The slogan for this shot is "Bad at cooking? Feeling #hangry? Can't stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen...the food's on us!" The use of the rhetoric makes the audience question themselves, and our service gives them a solution to their questions. The slogan uses humour and youth appeal, as it is a quick solution to not being able to cook, as well as feeding the hunger. I decided to use red and green in this advert, as some people stated they would like to see red colouring within the advert, and the green being used in the "#hangry" is a running theme throughout the advert, as well as an intertextual link to being hungry and angry. In the second shot, I wanted to keep the bright and vibrant colouring to reflect the feeling of having food delivered to you, without the stress and hassle of having to cook the food yourself. The shot shows a happy teenager delivering the food, dressed in the typical attire for the average teen. I also stuck with the humour and youth appeal elements I stated I wanted in my Statement of Intent, as the pan being on fire looks funny to the audience as it is relatable. For the after shot, I also stuck to using the electric blue colouring for the tagline, as for the reasons stated previously, it was popular among the target market group, and it stands out. The logo is again present on the after shot next to the delivery girl, highlighting what brand is offering the service. For the second shot, I wanted for there to be almost an intertextual link to "Bugsy Malone" in how all of the models for this advert are teenagers, and no adults are present. This adds to the humour and youth appeal I talked about in the Statement of Intent, and I was successful in achieving this.
Overall, this advert came out exactly as I wanted and expected it to come out based on what I stated in the Statement of Intent. I used the sans serif font all throughout this advert, as well as all of my other ones, I stuck to the 1/4 inch bleed on this image, I used people from two different races within this advert, and did not insult Essex people with harsh stereotypes within this advert, and therefore I am very happy with the outcome of this advert. I also stated I wanted for the colour yellow to be present throughout my adverts, and within this advert, i wanted my model to be wearing the colour yellow to reflect my Statement of Intent, and i stuck to this, therefore i am very happy with this.
In this advert, similar to the second advert, I wanted to show how the youth are typically unprepared for adulthood, and therefore wanted to humourise it, as well as make it relatable for teenagers to look at. In the before shot, the audience can see an empty fridge, and a disappointed teenager. This humourises the fact that all teenagers keep eating, but tend not to do the shopping, and again I wanted to humorise this. I stuck to the theme of a black and white colouring to reflect the disappointment of having no food in the fridge. The slogan for this advert is "Hank marving? Too busy to food shop? Feeling #hangry? Food's on us!" The phrase "Hank marving" is rhyming slang for starving and it can link to Essex teen in how they love to use funny phrases such as this. It may also be an intertextual link to cockney rhyming slang of similar phrases to this. This is a good selling point for teen as it makes the advert funny and entertaining, and therefore teens will want to invest in it. I decided again, to stick with the use of the green and blue, as they stand out against the black and white colouring. In the second after food delivery shot, we can see another happy teenager following the food being delivered, again making it look relatable, as a person within the age bracket of this brand is using the service, and makes it clear to the audience that this service is aimed at them. In this shot, I decided to keep the theme of the advert in the colour red, which is why the check flannel is in red, the typical attire for a teenager. The tagline is also in the colour red and gives a consistency to the advert, making it look very natural and engaging. The logo is again located in the after food delivery shot to highlight to the audience who delivered to food.
Overall, this came out as expected from the mockup design, and stuck to the Statement of Intent, as I used the sans serif font, there is the 1/4 inch bleed on the border, and used the common phrases of specifically the Essex teenage demographic. I maintained the use of the hashtag, but did not use much yellow or orange within the advert, as I believed it would not fit in well with this advert.
For this advert, I did not stick to the mockup design for the advert, as the consumer feedback showed that some people who answered the survey believed the locations were not well reflective of the target market. Therefore I decided to change the location to be better reflective of some of the more sophisticated members whom answered the consumer research feedback. Some of these audience members appeared to be from a University or academic background, therefore i wanted to give a fair reflection of those youth members who are in further education. For this reason, I decided to use a common room with academic posters in the background to highlight the variety of groups within the youth group. It may not necessarily be a reflection of the Essex youth, however it is a reflection of the youth group as a whole. For the first shot, the black and white theme is retained, with the model being a black male. All of my adverts are therefore reflective of Essex as it is a multicultural area, with people of all different races being reflected in the Essex county. This was an aspect of my Statement of Intent which I wanted to be reflected, and I was successful in achieving this. The before shot shows a teenage boy, up to date in the latest fashion trends, which is a very fair reflection of teenage Essex boys. It shows him looking bored and hungry. This is also reflected within the slogan "Friday night blues? Felling #hangry? Well the party don't start till we walk in!" There is an intertextual link within this quote to the song by Ke$ha named "Tik Tok" where the lyrics "the party don't start till I walk in" are used. Ke$ha is a popular singer among people in the target group, therefore this is a good selling point for the brand. The green and blue have been used again as they were popular colours, and they stand out. The second shot is in bold colouring, and is promotional of the service as you can see the logo driving into the shot. It is a very original and eye-catching shot and this will engage the audience. The tag line is in red to make the colouring of the shot stand out, and I believe I was successful in achieving this.
Overall, this advert did not stick to what I planned for the advert in the mockup design, however I believe it actually came out better than the original plan for the mockup. It did however stick to what I wanted from the Statement of Intent in how I kept the 1/4 inch bleed, maintained the sans serif font, used bold colouring, but did not use orange or yellow as I stated I wanted, but made the colours better reflective of the adverts. This advert reflects how multi-cultural and diverse Essex is, and this is what I wanted, as seen in the Statement of Intent. Not just in this advert but in all of my adverts, I did not want to mock Essex youth or to insult them, therefore I used general humour of the youth as a selling point. Therefore I did not stick to my Statement of Intent in how I planned to use the stereotypes of the Essex youth, such as in fake tan, fake hair, fake makeup, etc, however I used other humour elements to replace this, and made it just as humourous. I did use social appeal, especially in the first advert in showing how it can help with engaging conversation among teens, and youth appeal in how I made it reflective and relatable to all teens, not just Essex teens. In conclusion, i think I stuck to the Statement of Intent with minor changes that made the adverts better.
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