Friday, March 1, 2019

Location scouting

Location scouting

This location is the first location I will use in my adverts. I will have two of my models looking lonely, sitting on their own and bored, consumed only by their phones. In the second shot in the advert, we see the two youths putting their phones down and bonding over food. This shows that no matter our differences, all people have to eat, and the advert shows how if we put our phones away and look at what is going on around us, we can all see something in common with the next person. I specifically chose this location as the youth is notorious for going out and drinking in local parks, therefore this is a link to those activities. It may also bring out memories of going out drinking in a local field after finishing exams, which is a common activity, especially among Essex youth.

I will use this location as an after shoot for when the food is being delivered. It will show a colourful youth who looks like a typical teenager delivering the food. It almost puts a 'bugsy malone' theme to it, as we see the youth taking on all roles within this advert. This location was chosen specifically as all food delivery services have to bring the food directly to you, therefore it will most commonly be delivered to the home. It highlights that our service delivers to the traditional location, as well as new locations, as seen in the local park in the previous photo.

In this location, I will show a person who has just ordered food, looking very happy. I chose this location as people no longer sit at dinner tables to eat dinner, and it shows the informality of the youth groups, as well as the changes in society and traditions. It shows that people eat in all sorts of casual locations, as long as it is somewhere they are comfortable, they will eat there. It links to the youth as most teens are commonly found lounging around in the living room watching TV, therefore it is a relevant location for the average teenager.

I will use this location for two images to be used in my adverts. In the first advert, I will show a typical teenager being unable to cook food, and the pan is therefore on fire. It plays on the humour of the youth being notoriously unable to cook. In the second advert, we see the fridge being used to show how the youth doesn't spend money on valuable things, and how they don't keep their fridges fully stocked. In this shot we will see the fridge being empty, with a youth looking very sad. This will be the before food delivery shot. It is a relevant location as all people have to eat, and another common activity for the average teenager is to keep eating food, which is why our food delivery service is targeting these specific locations, as well as the youth group in order to highlight the fact that we are the most relatable food delivery service for them, as we can understand the average teenagers habits, and highlight these habits in our adverts.

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